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Striving for







World Citizens

At Temple Normanton Junior Academy we believe that computing is an integral part of primary education as computers and information technology play a fundamental part in everyday life. It is crucial that children master the skills from an early age and are taught about the importance of being computer-literate in our technologically dependent world. We believe online safety is paramount, and children are offered opportunities to discuss and build awareness of potential risks online. Computing will shape children’s future lives and careers and our computing curriculum ensures children become digitally literate – able to use, express themselves and develop their ideas through information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.

Be Aspirational

Computing equips children to use computational thinking (problem-solving, analysing and evaluating) and creativity to understand and change the world. The core of computing is computer science, in which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. We aim for all children to develop:

  • Logical reasoning to explain and understand how already made computer programs and algorithms function
  • Adaptability and resilience through writing computer programs which achieve particular goals, including being able to detect their own errors and successfully debug them.
  • Effective communication skills through using technological platforms
  • Ability to apply their knowledge and skills to other areas
  • Ability to use systems respectfully and demonstrate kindness whilst online

Love Reading

Throughout the computing curriculum, children are provided with opportunities to read and learn through reading. The library is stocked with books outlining and explaining how technology has developed, along with biographies of significant computer scientists, such as Alan Turning. Within computing lessons, children are given opportunities to read instructions and additional documents to support their learning and understanding of a variety of concepts and skills.  



Intent Statement

Our computing curriculum is designed to reflect the key aims of the National Curriculum for Computing and ensures that all pupils become digitally literate and competent at using technology.  We want our pupils to become creators, not consumers, and we achieve this by encompassing computer science, information technology and digital literacy within our computing curriculum, equipping our pupils with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in the digital world. We recognise that the best prevention of many of the issues we see with technology and social media today is a quality education where positive use is modelled. We aim to foster a love for computing and inspire our pupils to become future creators, innovators, and problem-solvers in the digital age.


Implementation Statement

Across Temple Normanton Junior Academy, we follow the Teach Computing scheme of work. This has been developed to follow the National Centre for Computing Education’s computing taxonomy to ensure a comprehensive coverage of the subject. Throughout KS1 and KS2 we follow a spiral curriculum which allows for the key themes to be revisited regularly, consolidating and building on prior learning within that time.

The key themes revisited across the year are:

  • Algorithms (comprehend, design, create and evaluate)
  • Computing networks (retrieving and sharing information)
  • Computer systems (what a computer is and how parts function together as a whole)
  • Creating media (select and create a range of text, images, sounds and video)
  • Data and information (how data is stored and organised in the real world)
  • Design and development (planning, creating and evaluating)
  • Effective use of tools (software tools to support computing work)
  • Impact of technology (how individuals, systems and societies interact with computing systems)
  • Programming (create software)
  • Safety and security (understanding of risks and how to protect themselves)

These themes are covered through four repeating units:

  • Computing systems and networks
  • Creating media
  • Programming
  • Data and information

In order to develop computational thinking and encourage children to learn and remember more, children engage with computational concepts and approaches across the curriculum.



Predicting and analysing


Making steps and rules


Breaking down into parts


Spotting and using similarities


Removing unnecessary detail


Making judgements




Experimenting and playing


Designing and making


Fixing and finding errors


Keeping going


Working together

Alongside the computing curriculum lessons, children are also encouraged to use technology across the curriculum. This could take the form of research, producing media, recording work or completing homework.


Impact Statement

Engagement and Enjoyment 

Pupils are actively engaged in their computing lessons, demonstrating enthusiasm for learning and a positive attitude towards technology. They are keen to explore new ideas, take risks, and persevere when faced with challenges. Pupils will make good progress from their starting points and will leave Temple Normanton Junior Academy ready for the next stage of their education and able to navigate a world in which technology is everywhere.

Digital Literacy and Online Safety

Our pupils are digitally literate and possess a strong understanding of how to use technology safely, responsibly, and ethically. They have a critical awareness of the potential risks associated with the digital world and know how to protect themselves and others online. Pupils confidently navigate digital environments and demonstrate responsible online behaviour.

Aspiration and Future Opportunities

Our computing provision nurtures pupils' aspirations and equips them with the necessary skills and knowledge to pursue further education and careers in the digital sector. 


Want to continue your child's Computing learning at home? Check out some of the following websites:

Scratch              Interland              TinkerCad