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Striving for






World Citizens

Maths is an essential skill that enables us to live an independent life. It teaches us how to make sense of the world around us, whether it be: calculating the total amount of money we need to purchase items, knowing what time to meet a connecting train or weighing precise amounts of ingredients when following a recipe. Maths helps us to develop problem-solving and reasoning skills that allow us to solve a variety of problems.

Be Aspirational

Our Maths curriculum allows children to be stretched and challenged through reasoning and problem-solving that is included in every lesson and across all areas. At Temple Normanton Junior Academy, we have high expectations of all pupils and work hard to ensure all pupils are able to achieve their full potential. Children are challenged to rapidly recall and apply knowledge accurately, becoming fluent in mathematics through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems.

Love Reading

Pupils are provided with many opportunities for reading across the maths curriculum, whether that is through problem-solving using problems in different contexts or learning about famous mathematicians that have changed history.


Intent Statement 

The aim of our Maths curriculum is to make all children fluent in solving mathematical calculations using the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and to equip them with the tools to solve a variety of problems and reason mathematically. We aim to foster a deep understanding of mathematical concepts, develop mathematical fluency, and nurture a love for problem-solving. We adopt a mastery approach to teaching mathematics, believing that all pupils can be successful mathematicians. 

Implementation Statement 

Our mathematics curriculum is based on National Curriculum objectives and is influenced by the resources and schemes of learning from White Rose Maths Hub. Work is set at an appropriate level, with pupils being given support and challenge relative to their own developmental needs. We also acknowledge the value of pupils having rapid recall of basic fluency facts such as number bonds and times tables. At Temple Normanton Junior Academy, we embrace the CPA approach (concrete, pictorial and abstract), which allows pupils to work with physical objects and make links from these to pictorial representations. Following this, pupils will then use these representations to help them develop their understanding of abstract methods.

Maths is taught daily. All lessons incorporate the following aspects:

  • Flashback and revise (recapping previously learnt skills and facts)
  • Sentence scaffolds (supporting learners to articulate their learning)
  • SLAM (key vocabulary for children to ‘Speak Like a Mathematician)
  • Guided, independent and varied practice
  • Opportunity to apply their learning to reasoning and problem-solving questions.

At the planning stage, teachers consider how they will model a concept, the scaffolding that may be required for some pupils and how to suitably challenge pupils who need it. To assist pupils with this, we use the teaching for mastery approach from the Maths Hub and NCETM.


Impact Statement 


Enagagement and Enjoyment 

At Temple Normanton Junior Academy we create an engaging and enjoyable learning environment that ignites pupils' curiosity, creativity, and love for Mathematics. Pupils actively participate in lessons, are eager to explore new concepts, and relish opportunities to solve mathematical problems. They are intrinsically motivated and develop a lifelong passion for Mathematics. Our curriculum fosters pupils' self-confidence, independence, and resilience as learners. Pupils are not afraid to make mistakes; they use them as learning opportunities, embrace challenges, and approach problem-solving with confidence. They are willing to take risks and persevere through challenging mathematical tasks, developing the resilience needed to succeed in mathematics and beyond.

Aspiration and Future Opportunities

Children thrive when given opportunities to lead sporting activities for younger pupils and are hightly praised when we attend external competitions and events for their behaviour, etiquette and attitides. Many of our pupils participate in sports and activities outside of school due to being inspired within school though PE lessons, vistors or experiences.